Individual Consultations (Value $397)
2 Private - One-on-One Calls:
One call in the very beginning to ensure you have everything you need to hit the rubber mats running.
A second call at around the 10wk-12wk mark...right when you’re at the critical juncture of either forming a new habit (the goal) or throwing in the towel (not the goal).
Your situation is unique and your circumstances are individual.
Interchangeable Training Templates (Value: $397)
Time-tested, evidence-based, power and hypertrophy training programs.
Laid out in a done-for-you, plug-and-play, insert-and-execute framework.
Want a balanced approach to your training? There’s a base template.
Prefer heavier weights in the lower rep range? There’s a heavy weight template.
Prefer lighter weights? There’s a pink dumbb...I mean, light weight template, too.
Every movement mapped out and demo’ed.
Dynamic Progress Logs (Value: $1997)
The Custom-Built Tracking Sheet has all kinds of goodies:
The Metabolism Matching System - optimizes your carbs/fat intake in as little as 3 days, based on YOUR unique metabolism
The Goals Lab Plus - lays out the tentative roadmap to what the achievement of your goals will likely look like so you have a clear picture of what's to come
Adjustments on Auto Pilot - does exactly what you think it does: how, when, and what to adjust with your first tweaks, so you’re not guessing what to do, hoping it will work, and wasting time just stabbing in the dark